Top Load Case Packer

"It is controlled by a servo motor, occupies a

small footprint, is easy to maintain and

allows for timely intervention by operators

facilitating cleaning inside the equipment.

System Features

The system offers the flexibility to fnely tune sensitivitylevels, allowing operators to optimize detection for differenttypes of products and environmental conditions.

Adiustable Sensitivity

Utilizing advanced technology, the system can autonomouslylearn and adjust its settings based on real-time conditions.

Automatic Learning Setting

This refers to the highest achievable accuracy under idealconditions,without the infuence of product variations orexternal factors.

Max Sensitivity

The system is desiened to meet lP65 standards, ensuring itis dust-tight and protected against low-pressure water jetsThis makes it suitable for use in harsh industrialenvironments where dust and moisture are prevalent

Protection Level (IP65)

Offers manual or automatic zero clearing and dynamic zerotracking capabilities

Zero Tracking

Includes an LCD display, intuitive interface, and storage for200 product profles,Event log records up to 1500 entries.facilitating easy operation and traceability.

Control System

Technical Data